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Forest Bathing

Geisha girls sway gracefully against the sky as white butterflies flit from blossom to blossom. They’re almost transparent, these delicate little visitors, dancing in the morning sun. I wondered what they were doing, settling on the flowers momentarily, wings together as if in worship, then flying off again. I googled and learnt that they were drinking nectar, with tongues that are used like straws.

I paused from hanging the morning’s washing to take in the scene. They were like white lights alighting on the lavender florets. Some were in pairs. All looked happy, and very busy. We’re busy too. We’re too occupied to pause, let alone stop and smell the roses. Most people jump out of bed and rush through the day. We’re stressed, sleep-deprived and time-poor. We’re caught in traffic snarls and the rat- race. Think of what’s it like when you’re driving. Are you the cool, calm, collected type or the kind of driver that wants to get there yesterday and makes gestures we won’t mention here? None of the above. Okay…

The Japanese have a unique term – ‘shinrin-yoku,’ which means ‘forest bath.’ I love the concept and what it implies – just immersing oneself in the tranquillity of nature. The negative ions emitted by the earth and trees are healing to mind and body. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have a forest in my backyard. The idea is appealing, however. So sending my devices on holiday and going out to breathe in some fresh air is a palatable option. I'm away from the traffic, the rat-race and stress of modern day living, even for just a few brief moments.

A walk in my garden, admiring the butterflies amongst the geisha girl plants, is like a little piece of heaven. As I drink in the beauty and peace, my soul is still and rests in the hands of the One who created every tree and forest. Yet I realise that no tree or forest can offer me eternal life. Neither can all the serenity in the world assure me of a passage to heaven. Only Jesus, the Son of God, who hung on a tree on Calvary, has purchased my salvation. I know that I can go to heaven because I have invited him into my heart. There's room at the cross for you also. 'Though millions have come, yet there’s still room for one...' an old gospel song says. Come to that tree of healing and salvation. Accept the One who hung on it into your heart. You'll be assured of life eternal.

Love and God bless



Song - 'Room at the Cross' by Billy Gaines

Note to Reader:

'Geisha girl' is the common name for the plant 'Duranta repens'

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